Welcome to the Marketing Machine

October 4, 2019

There are two parts to every marketing push. The vehicle and the content.

The vehicle is systematic. It's a marketing machine to deliver the content to your audience. Your website, social media channels, digital billboards, ad platforms... They're all positioning tools, designed to move your brand to many places at once.

The second part, the content, is your appeal to the people. It's the welcoming creative used to secure your audience's attention and buy-in. A relevant message, captivating narrative, eye-catching visual... They're all your business' charisma, designed to tell your story in the most compelling terms.

Vehicles undergo constant improvement, forever being overhauled with faster engines, precision routing and more advanced automation. They change as quickly as technology allows.

Content also is in a constant state of growth, at least if your brand is evolving (and it always should be). It's the only way to articulate your progress and invite others to experience it firsthand.

Results of both vehicle and content rely on one another. A great vehicle with weak content is worthless, and vice versa. Many businesses overlook this equation, investing the lion's share of time and money in one over the other.

They bank on the latest vehicle innovation to get them in front of millions more. It's expected to move them to measurable outcomes, because that's what it was built to do. But when their brand reaches the masses, it's dead on arrival because the content lacks purpose. In other cases, businesses get lost in the possibilities of creative, neglecting the importance of good placement.

Simply put, you need to adjust your marketing machine if your brand finds itself:

A. Painstakingly perfecting content that usually never sees the light of day
B. Forever searching for a new vehicle, because nothing seems to stick

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